Friday, 4 May 2012

Renew Your Driving Licence Online thru myEG

Picture 1: myEG's Home
Too busy and have no time to renew your driving license? Too lazy to go to post office? Don't worry, I will educate you on how you can renew your driving license online. No need to queue, no need to be trapped in the traffic jam, no need to CRY.

Below are steps to renew your driving license online thru myeg:

1. Go to myEG's website at
2. Log in using your Username & Password
3. Click Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ)'s dashboard (refer Picture 1)
4. Select Driving License Renewal (refer Picture 2)
5. Fill in all required information (refer Picture 3) - including delivery term
6. Make payment thru myEG prepaid Account or credit card or Financial Process Exchange (refer Picture 4)
7. Wait for the delivery of the new driving license

Picture 2:

Picture 3: User Info

Picture 4: Payment Method


  1. kelasss tau sistem ni....

  2. What is prepaid account for do iget the account???from where?I can't not make payment.
